SocMon Monitoring Site

Ibo, Matemo Quirimba, and Quirambo Islands in the Ibo Quarter in Cabo Delgado province

Western Indian Ocean : Mozambique
Year completed: 2010

Socio-economic assessment of Quirimbas National Park, Mozambique



Obtain general information on the target group regarding the distribution of the occupation by age group and gender; Determine the activities by member of the household contributing the most as a source of monthly income; Obtain general information about the migration of the target group after the creation of the TPMZ; Assess the level of participation in the TPMZ control actions and satisfaction over their existence; Assess the level of perception of the fishermen with regard to the condition of the resources; Measure the level of knowledge, compliance, and enforcement of rules and regulations in the TPMZ; Identify the problems related to the TPMZ and potential solutions; Analyze the level of knowledge of the activities and the impact in the TPMZ; Analyze the type of fishing gear, fishing area, the perception on quantity of catch, and the time of fishing before and after the creation of the TPMZ, as well as the destination of the catch; Analyze the perception of the fishermen regarding the evolution of the species in relation to the time of fishing; Identify the reasons for change of the fishing gear, area of fishing, and destination of the catch with the creation of the TPMZ.