SocMon Resource: Newsletters

SocMonitor Issue 10, October 2012

By M. Pena, P. Edwards  |  2012

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It is important to note that the Global Socio- economic Monitoring Initiative is approaching its ten-year anniversary. Ten years is a good point to take a moment for some introspection. It is also a good time to reflect on the past, examine the present and plan for the future. Over the coming months I will be seeking input from the wider network as we re-examine our mission and goals. We also need to decide if our current objectives support an overall vision for Global Coral Reef Socio-economic Monitoring. Articulating this vision is important. Do we have a vision? I urge us all to think about what a vision for SocMon might be. A vision can be articulated as an answer to the following question; “What is the picture of the preferred future?”
