SocMon Resource: Regional Guidelines

Indicators for Monitoring Social Impacts of the Micronesia Challenge: An Addendum to SEM-Pasifika Regional Socioeconomic Monitoring Guidelines

Pacific IslandsBy B. Nevitt, S. Wongbusarakum  |  2013

thumbnail of MC indicators 2013

This addendum is intended for resource managers, communities, and others working to implement the Micronesia Challenge within their jurisdiction and interested in understanding the progress of MC in improving human wellbeing. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the larger SEM-Pasifika guide and to facilitate the implementation of the MC socioeconomic indicators. As such, these indicators are not intended to stand alone, rather they are meant to be incorporated into socioeconomic monitoring efforts that take place throughout the region. The indicators included in this addendum are those which were agreed upon by the participants at the First MC Challenge Socioeconomic Measures Meeting and should in no way limit the scope of assessments developed for each site.
