
2017 CORAL Conservation Prize

CORAL supporters and marine conservation advocates are invited to nominate an individual(s) (not themselves) within the coral reef conservation community for the 2017 CORAL Conservation Prize. This special award provides a unique opportunity to recognize coral reef conservation leaders from around the world, support outstanding local coral reef conservation efforts, provide a platform to highlight coral reefs within local, national, and international media and provide an incentive for continued work in all coral regions of the world.

The CORAL Conservation Prize committee will award one conservation leader from the submitted nominations a cash prize of $20,000, apportioned between the winner and the group that he or she represents if any. This individual will be CORAL’s guest of honor a celebratory ceremony on September 22, 2017, in Palo Alto, California where they can share stories and key learnings about their successful work to save coral reefs.

Nomination Criteria:

  • Must be an individual (or a leader in a local group) who is successfully working to advance coral reef conservation at a local or regional scale with specific milestones and successes
  • Display leadership that has resulted in significant positive environmental change, either through a recent achievement or a long career, that can be articulated by the nominator
  • Able to travel to the U.S. and to communicate his or her coral conservation work to a diverse audience
  • Effectively communicate how award funds will be spent

Submission Deadline

Please submit your nomination by using our online submission form at by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Friday, June 9, 2017. If you are unable to use the form due to internet connectivity, please email [email protected] to request a form. Please feel free to share with your networks and to reach out to me with any questions.

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